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nc17 Streetwear

nc17, also known as nc-seventeen, was a counterculture streetwear company in business during the 1990’s and early 2000’s and they printed their designs on tee’s and stickers. nc17 had a few different styles – drug or sex themed brand parodies (like THC), movie or TV spoofs (like Serial Killer), double entendre, and social commentary. nc17 had some very original ideas and I believe that they were the streetwear pioneer of the double entendre that walks the line between obscene and misunderstood.

I am always looking to expand this article with more information and art. If anyone out there has some information or history that they can share about the nc17 company, please reach out to me on Twitter (@CPXART). Also, a large part of this hobby of collecting vintage streetwear stickers and prints, is the hunt. A lot of these original stickers are difficult to find and therefore I will shamelessly use this platform to solicit pieces missing from my collection. If you have nc17 stickers (no reprint), that you are willing to part with, and that I do not already have in the image slider below, I am interested in purchasing them for a fair market price. Please direct message me on Twitter (@CPXART) so we can make a deal. It will also benefit the visitors to this site to see more examples of this underappreciated art in one place.


WARNING: Contains explicit content
